The features of the app
The Super Family contains many mini-app and mini-games inside. The followings features are under development and more will be added in the future.
What included in the app
Special features
that Grow your kids
With the Super Family app, you will have many mini-app and mini-games inside for education. The features will be kept adding more as feedback from parents all over the world.
Online time control
Parental control now goes to the next level: parents would know what YouTube video or what website your kids visit as well as the time they spend for each content. You can set time a day, a week. Kids must work by playing "games" to earn more internet time.
Gamification with rewards
The whole app is an Edutainment system which connects mini-games with mini-app via rewards to educate your kids about discipline, self-control, time management, finance management skills, good habits like reading books. The first games come with app when release including House cleaning, Dish washing, Bookworm warriors, Clothes arragement, Virtual Pet care.
Family calendar
This is where you and your kids can add family events, photos and videos of union moments. Your kids should learn time management skill with this smart calendar.
Smart Wallet
When you choose money as reward for a Mission, it would be transferred into integrated e-Wallet in the app after your child completes that mission. This Smart Wallet is to train your kids how to use money effectively. Default wallet has 3 sections: Saving (30% of total amount), Frequent expense (50%) and Sudden expense (20%). You can change this ratio as well as add more section such as Investment.
Full list of features
Parental control
- Children complete missions to earn reward Online time
- Parents can add, edit children’s online time
- Parents set allowed online time per day, week and month
- Settings of Mission time is counted or not counted as allowed online time
- Children can online watch video and access websites which are whitelisted by Super Family and parents
- Parents can add website lists, YouTube channels, YouTube videos which allow their children to watch
- Keywords filter for websites and videos
- Screen time report for integrated browser and YouTube
Family Communication
- One touch sharing “how are you today” from Dashboard
- Family group chat
- Family 1-1 chat
- ChatGPT-4 integration so that parents and children can ask ChatGPT by typing /chatgpt followed by prompt
- Search engine integration so parents can teach their children about discovering huge knowledge resources on the internet
- Voice message
- Send images, videos, files
- Children can chat with Virtual pet bot. This chat bot is an AI bot to listen and learn from content that children provide, then will become an assistant for children in the future
- Smart response suggestions for parents with words consulted by educational experts
- Congratulation, encourages for rewards from parents will be sent to chat screen, so boost communication between parents and child.
Family calendar
- All family members can add, edit, delete an event on calendar
- Auto reminder on calendar before event happens
- Set reminder time, reminder repeatation
- Set time or all day event
- Family members can add photos, video about an event after it happens
- This day last year(s) reminder
Smart e-Wallet
- Money in from rewards of completed missions
- Children can edit balance to match with real cash they have
- Default 3 wallet section: Saving (30%), Frequent expense (50%), Sudden expense (20%)
- Parents can edit ratio of sections
- Parents can add new section and reset ratio
- Daily expense records
- Budgeting
- Repeated expense by day, week or month
- Warning when low balance for a section
- Money transfer between sections
- Interest for each section Saving and Current (expense)
- Connect with bank accounts or true e-wallet so users don’t have to add transaction manually (* only available in supported countries)
Smart Diary
- Get child’s feelings before writing
- Get child’s feelings after writing and suggest an action if his/her feelings is not better
- Diary is private or shared with parents controlled by children
- Diary content analysis to alert parents if their child’s emotion is negative
- Stronger warning to parents if diary contents are negative for a long time
- Suggest child to share emotion with parents
- Suggest child to invite friends to chat
- Suggest child to share feelings with Virtual pet
Virtual pet game
- Child has to finish parents’ missions to earn Food for his/her pet
- Each child has one pet for his/her own
- 1 food package is for 1 day survival of pet
- Virtual pet dies if having no food for 2 days
- If virtual pet dies, child has to wait 3 days to have a new pet
- Child can get his/her pet shower, toothbrush, hair drying
- Child can chat with virtual pet via typing text or voice; then virtual pet will reply by the same input type
- Virtual pet is AI bot pre-trained by Super Famiy and trained more by your children to be suitable for education.
- Virtual pet will notify parents about problem with child.
Bookworm Warrior game
- Parents give book title and how many pages or sections that their child have to read in a time
- Parents requires child have to summarize in words or presentation video for approval
- Parents to set a reward for this mission
- Child has to complete mission on time to earn reward
- If child complete late, parents will be notify and decide to give rewards or not
- Parents can set this mission repeated daily, weekly or monthly.
- Ebook store and reader (coming late)
Bacteria Killer game
- Parents to give the mission with time, rewards, repeatation and who will be assigned (in case you have more than 1 child)
- Children receive mission with a guideline video to show them how to wash dishes in the right way
- Children take pictures of dishes after washing and send parents
- Parents to check photos and approve whether the mission accomplished
“Mr. and Ms. Right time” game
- Parents and their children to set time table for days and week
- Time table will be noted in Calendar
- Parents allow maximum late time allowance to get rewards (starting from 0 minute)
- Child to check-in for each to-do in the mission to prove his/her right time.
- Parents get check-in list as timeline and consider its’ right or wrong time. If it’s wrong time, that to-do is counted as late and if duration time is over allowed late time, the mission is failed.
Other games
- Many other games are integrated in the app which are similar to the game Bacteria Killer about housework education for kids (see more at our Roadmap)
- New games will be added more in the future by Super Family (HTECOM Inc.) and third developers.
- Games will be verified which are helpful for children before integration.
- No extra fee for added edutainment games
Child account management
- Badge collections (each badge is a reward from parents’ mission)
- Sticker collections (each sticker is a reward from parents’ mission)
- Avatar update
- Personal information including Nickname, DOB, password
- Forgot password (notify parents to reset)
- Notification about given missions, message from parents, message from virtual pet, calendar event, smart wallet about low balance, overbudget, new earnings
- Smart wallet balance
- Online time balance
- Pet’s status
- Invite friends to chat
Adult account management
- Control which mini-games and mini-app turned on or off for each child account (turning on-off for a child also affects to adult accounts)
- Create or delete child account
- Manage child account: edit nickname, avatar, username, password
- Add mom / dad / grandparents account (up to 4 adult accounts without extra fee)
- Update personal information including Full name, DOB, password, Avatar, Email, Phone number
- Forgot / change password
- Notification about missions accomplished, missions late, new message from children, calendar event, smart wallet about low balance, overbudget, new earnings of kids, child’s psychology, online time of kids and notification from Super Family.
- Locate where your children are
- Useful articles, tips and tricks about education
- Subscription plan and Payment management
- Buy more account for child
- Refer Super Family to other families to earn money
- New feature trial (for Lifetime plan only)
* Suggest new feature that you need here and it will be soon available if other users upvote.
Rewards when your kids complete their Mission in the app

Total parental control
Understading parents’ concern about screen time of kids when using this Super Family app, we add many features related to parental control, for instance, you would know how many minutes your kids online with YouTube, Web browser, which video they have watched or which website they have visited.
Kids have to complete your mission to get more screen time, however you can control maximum time they can spend on the device. There is also detail report with instutive graph about their online time per day, week or month.
Parents have option to choose Mission time is counted as online time or not.
Other Features
How the app helps
Locate where your kids
A.I assitant for your kids
API for 3rd party integration
The app has not released yet, however not you can try with Figma interface to see UI and UX by clicking on the buttons below.
Please watch this video if you have never used Figma before.
Early bird Price
Save $$$ with our Early bird packages
Price when release
Billed as $348 per year
What included
- All features above
- Up to 4 adult users
- 1 child user
- Additional $10 per child user
Early bird 1 year
$174 per year
Save 50%
All features as when release and
- Save $174.00
- New feature available first
- Only $5 per additional child user
Early bird Life time
Life time use
Save from 83.3%
All features as when release bonus
- For up to 3 children
- New feature available first
- Only $5 per additional child user
- Transferable to another user
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